STO (5) Naked Put - IPI (INTREPID POTASH INC) Aug 09 @ $25 Strike for $1.45 each. Net Premium $721. I am taking a larger than normal position on this one after doing some extensive research. Just some important notes that influenced my decision:
* Potash (their primary market) has slumped this year after an extreme price spike last year.
* Potash is a fertilizer and because of its price spike last year many farmers (several I have talked to locally here also) have decided to skip applying the potash component of their fertilizer. From several sources I have read this is creating a low nutrient level in much agriculture land across the country. This deficiency is ok for about 1 year but each time a crop is planted it removes more of the nutrients to the soil. In spring 2010 farmers will have to either not grow crops or replinish the potash in their soil. (sidenote: I know this is true because I maintain about 10 acres of wildlife foodplots. I can skip fertilizing for 1 year and be "ok" but I can't skip 2 years or I might as well not plant.)
* China currently only comsumes 13% of the world potash. As they are attempting to increase their own production of agriculture and become less dependent on the rest of the world I believe their appetite for fertilizer will increase
* Earnings are due out August 7th and are projected to be 30 cents per share. I think they will beat this estimate.
Risk Management:
Ticker: IPI
Expiratoin: 21-Aug-09
Invest Date 31-Jul-09
Current Stock Price $25.40
Strike Price $25.00
Premium $1.45
Annual Dividend $-
Days to Expiration 21
Return (Assumes CSP) 5.80%
Annualized Return 100.81%
Downside Protection 7.28%
Effective Dividend if Put 0.00%