Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trade - 5/27/09 - ED

STO (2) Naked Put - ED (Consolidated Edison) June 09 @ $35 for $.70 each. Net Premium $139.

I am happy to own this one if put at a 7% dividend.

Risk Management:

Ticker: ED
Expiratoin: 19-Jun-09
Invest Date 27-May-09

Current Stock Price $35.05
Strike Price $35.00
Premium $0.70
Annual Dividend $2.36

Days to Expiration 23
Return (Assumes CSP) 2.00%
Annualized Return 31.74%
Downside Protection 2.14%
Effective Dividend if Put 6.88%

Monday, May 25, 2009


Anybody up for an experiment?

So I have been asking myself, “how do you really test a trading plan?” I think a lot of people would say that you back test your plan. However I don’t like that idea because the past is what has influenced your trading plan. Hence your trading plan may be nothing more than influenced by history.

So, “how do you test a trading plan?” I came up with 2 requirements – 1) it must be traded going forward and 2) it should eliminate company specific risk. Okay, so #1 is easy, you either paper trade it or do it live but what about number 2? Best way I can find to eliminate company specific risk is through an ETF that represents the market that also has a lot of liquidity/volume. My best selection for this is the QQQQ (represents the Nasdaq 100). I would have preferred using something more like the SPY but the Implied Volatility of the QQQQ is closer to the stocks that I pick.

So, why am I doing this? Well for the past year I have professed that “covered calls” is an art and not a science. I refused for most of that time to even put a trading plan in place. I know I am ANAL in nature having practiced as a CPA for many years and maybe that is why I liked covered calls because I was able to “loose the ANAL stigma” that everybody in my industry has. Well, my anal-ness caught up with me on this rainy weekend. I have gone back over the past year and analyzed what I do for covered calls and I have quantified it into a few simple steps. I believe the success has primarily come from playing both ends of the stick (NPs and CCs) and closing out positions when a better use of capital is available. I have condensed and revised my original trading plan from my blog ( in the education section) into a new set of rigid mathematical standards that represent what I have been doing over the past year. These new steps are as follows:

ENTRY METHOD: All positions will first be entered by selling a Naked Put. The sale will be for one-quarter of the total anticipated position in the portfolio. (i.e. if we want a total of 400 shares we will initially enter an NP for 100 shares or 1 contract). All positions will be entered in either the near month 1 month from options expiration.

MAINTENANCE: Naked Puts will continue to be written until a position is "put" to the account. At that time a covered call will be written on that new stock position at the strike price that it was put to the account in order to maximize monthly income. In the same month a new naked put will be written on the position at a 5% discount to the then current price of the stock. For example if stock ABC was put to us at $30, we would then write a covered call for $30 on that stock AND enter a new Naked Put for $28.50 thus effectively collecting income on both ends of the stock and averaging down the position cost. In subsequent months all CCs will be written ATM to maximize income.

ROLLING and BUY BACKS: Anytime an NP or Covered Call is trading at 20% of the original sell price the contract will be bought back and immediately rolled to either an ATM Covered Call or for Naked Puts a new 5% discount at the then current price.

Tomorrow morning I will begin a live test (with real money) of this strategy by entering 1 NP on the QQQQ. I will update performance and return on this strategy each month……..


Friday, May 22, 2009

Trade - 5/22/09 - AFL

STO (3) Naked Put - AFL (Aflac) June 09 @ $30 for $1.05 each. Net Premium $313

Risk Management:

Ticker: AFL
Expiratoin: 19-Jun-09
Invest Date 22-May-09

Current Stock Price $34.12
Strike Price $30.00
Premium $1.05
Annual Dividend $1.12

Days to Expiration 28
Return (Assumes CSP) 3.50%
Annualized Return 45.63%
Downside Protection 15.15%
Effective Dividend if Put 3.87%

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Trade - 5/19/09 - HON

STO (2) Naked Put - HON (Honeywell) June 09 @ $32.50 for $1.00 each. Net Premium $199.

This one is a pure play on the Obama new mileage standards for cars. HON is a big player in that technology market. Good company with Good dividend and one of the few plays where I can get 3% CC premiums.

Risk Analysis:

Ticker: HON
Expiratoin: 19-Jun-09
Invest Date 19-May-09

Current Stock Price $33.20
Strike Price $32.50
Premium $1.00
Annual Dividend $1.21

Days to Expiration 31
Return (Assumes CSP) 3.08%
Annualized Return 36.23%
Downside Protection 5.12%
Effective Dividend if Put 3.84%

Trade - 5/19/09 - BBT

STO (3) Covered Calls - BBT June 09 @ $24 for $1.25 each. Net Premium $373.

The Covered Call is managing a current position of 300 shares of BBT. This is a monthly return of 5.4% (65% annualized) based on current stock price. If the stock closes above 24 at expiration I will get an extra 4%.

Trade - 5/19/09 - GE

STO (2) Covered Calls - GE June 09 @ $14 for $0.51 each. Net Premium $101.

The Covered Call is managing a current position of 200 shares of GE. This is a monthly return of 3.75% (45% annualized). If the stock closes above 14 at expiration I will get an extra 2.5%. I love plays like this because the stock can go up, down or sidewise and I still make money!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Trade - 5/18/09 - VZ

STO (3) Covered Calls - VZ June 09 @ $30 for $0.90 each. Net Premium $268. This is a stock that I was put to on Friday. It closed right near the put price of $30 so I will simply continue to pick from this money tree. I like the safety of Verizon with their 6% ++ dividend yield.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Trade - 5/15/09 - BMY

STO (2) Naked Put - BMY June 09 @ $20 for $0.75 each. Net Premium $149

I am focusing on diversification with this one. I have been reluctant to invest in Pharma with all the O'bama talk on health care reform. However, this is a strong company with a big pipeline and pays a healthy health dividend.

Risk Management:

Ticker: BMY
Expiratoin: 19-Jun-09
Invest Date 15-May-09

Current Stock Price $20.05
Strike Price $20.00
Premium $0.75
Annual Dividend $1.24

Days to Expiration 35
Return (Assumes CSP) 3.75%
Annualized Return 39.11%
Downside Protection 3.99%
Effective Dividend if Put 6.44%

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Trade - 5/14/09 - EMR

STO (3) Naked Put - EMR June 09 @ $32 for $1.00 each. Net Premium $298
EMR has been a favorite of mine for several years. I got called out a couple of months ago and I am ready to get back into it. Solid management and dividend increases over the past 30+ years make this a good anchor investment.

Ticker: EMR
Expiratoin: 19-Jun-09
Invest Date 14-May-09

Current Stock Price $33.89
Strike Price $32.00
Premium $1.00
Annual Dividend $1.32

Days to Expiration 36
Return (Assumes CSP) 3.13%
Annualized Return 31.68%
Downside Protection 8.53%
Effective Dividend if Put 4.26%

Trade - 5/14/09 - QCOM

STO (2) Naked Put - QCOM June 09 @ $37 for $0.90 each. Net Premium $179.

Ticker: QCOM
Expiratoin: 19-Jun-09
Invest Date 14-May-09

Current Stock Price $40.25
Strike Price $37.00
Premium $0.90
Annual Dividend $0.68

Days to Expiration 36
Return (Assumes CSP) 2.46%
Annualized Return 24.94%
Downside Protection 10.34%
Effective Dividend if Put 1.88%

Friday, May 8, 2009

Trading Criteria / Trading Plan for Covered Calls

First let me say that I believe that picking good stocks is an "Art" and not a "science". In other words I have always felt that there is no way to quantify in numbers what makes a good investment so I have been reluctant to write a trading plan. However I do find myself using certain consistant criteria and methods in choosing my stocks for covered calls and naked puts. I guess you can say this is a "trading plan" however I will not be limited strictly to this criteria. By definition this makes me a fundamentalist and not a technical analysis person.

OBJECTIVE: To create a separte trading account for actively writing naked puts and covered calls to MAXIMIZE current monthly income.

ENTRY METHOD: All positions will first be entered by selling a Naked Put. The sale will be for between one-quarter and one-half of the total anticipated position in the portfolio. (i.e. if we want a total of 400 shares we will initially enter a NP for 100 to 200 shares or 1 to 2 contracts). All positions will be entered in either the near month or 1 month out.

MAINTENANCE: Naked Puts will continue to be written until a position is "put" to the account. At that time a covered call will be written on that new stock position at the strike price that it was put to the account in order to maximize monthly income. In the same month a new naked put will be written on the position at a 5 to 10% discount to the strike price of the original put. For example if stock ABC was put to us at $30, we would then write a covered call for $30 on that stock AND enter a new Naked Put for between $27 - $28.50 thus effectively collecting income on both ends of the stock and averaging down the position cost. THIS WILL BE DONE ONLY if the stock is still considered fundamentally sound and no material changes have occurred since initial investment.

ROLLING and BUY BACKS: Rolling positions will rarely be utilized since we are tyring to maximize current month income. If an option falls below 10 cents then we may buy back the option IF we see places to better utilize capital otherwise we will wait until expiration.

Stock Selection Criteria:

1) Management must have a reputation for Honesty and Integrity. I want to be able to listen to the quarterly conference calls and know what they are saying is true.

2) I read all the recent news articles about the company for the last 3 months. You can do this at any news service like

3) I look for minimum 5 years of consistant or increasing dividends. I REALLy prefer 10 years or more of increasing dividends. I Don't like stock buy backs because this puts the money in the company's hands and generally they simply give back out this stock as bonuses. I want the money in MY hands and a company that recognizes that.

4) I go to and read the transcript from the most recent earnings conference call. This is probably the SINGLE MOST VALUABLE source of information for a company in my opinion.

5) I look for good debt control. No exact numbers here but "Cash is King" and "Debt is Bad".....Very Very Bad,

6) Must have Positive Earnings (before extraordinary items) for the past 4 quarters.

7) Focus all my research on "Safety and Downside Protection". Growth here is not important to me because I can make money in a Covered Call Position if the market goes up, sideways or even slightly negative. Stock price crash is a covered call writers worst enemy!

8) Only write Covered Calls on current month or 1 month out.

9) My minimum premium I will take is 2.5% Any less than that and I feel like the downside risk is not worth the return.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trade - 5/5/09 - NAT

STO (5) Naked Put - NAT June 09 @ $30 for $1.65 each. Net Premium $821. I watched an invterview with the CEO of NAT today and I was impressed. He is very focused on dividends. They are in a very strong position in this week market because they have alot of cash on hand and virtually NO debt.

Sometimes a bad economy allows the "cream to migrate to the top" and I think NAT is a perfect example of this.

This is a 5.5% premium with 25% downside protection (net of the premium).

Close Out - 5/5/09

Closed out my position in ADP today for 20 cents. 8 day gain of 83 cents per share or net $252. That is 2.5% in 8 days........114% annualized.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Close Out 5/4/09 - MS

Closed out my positions in MS this morning. Paid 29 cents each to buy back my Naked Puts. Sold the conracts originally less than 2 weeks ago for $1.40 each. After commissions that is $1.10 profit or 5%. Very happy with that for 2 weeks! Decided not to risk the outcome of the stress test for Morgan Stanley.

Trade - 5/4/09 - AFL

STO (3) Naked Put - AFL May 09 @ $28 for $1.05 each. Net Premium $313. Nice Premium for 11 days (3.75%). AFL seems to have all their liquidity issues behind them. They also appear to have learned their lesson on exotic investments. Company showed their confidence this year by raising their dividend. If I get put I will have about a 4% dividend that I feel is extremely safe.

Trade - 5/4/09 - V

Closed out my position in Visa this morning. Paid 5 cents per contract to close it out and that freed up over $10,000 of buying power. I will redeploy that this morning.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Trade - May Possibles

I have had several emails asking what I am looking at for the next round of covered calls (June X) so I thought I would share my short list with everybody. The more the market goes up the harder it is getting to find safer investments. Many of my usuals are up 50%++ in the last 8 weeks so I am having to go out and look for new prospects. I am also going to try to move to some of the safer stocks and sacrifice the big premiums that we have been getting the last 3 months. Okay here is the short list for June X Covered Calls:

NAT (a new one for me)
KO (oldie but goodie. Safety here)
MCD (safety)
ABT (nice 4% yield, low debt, next pattent doesn't expire until 2017, good growth potential)
EMR (35+ years of dividend increases, 4% yield, industrial that hasn't moved up like others)
ADP (25+ years of dividend increases, over 4% yield, hasn't had a big run this year, safety!)
INTC (Safe company that offers 3-4% CC premiums and it keeps bouncing between 15 and 16)
BBT (I will do NPs if the stock goes below 20 at 17.50 strikes otherwise I will contine to write calls on my shares)

Again I am making a big move into safety. March was up 29%, April looks like 12%, (these are not annualized). I am only going to aim for 3-4% for the next month and focus on safety and diversification.