Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Year End 2009

Okay, I have been out of the loop now for a couple of months. I have had to travel to places that don't have high speed internet but I have all that fixed now with my new DROID! I will pick back up my blog postings in the new year however they may not all be real time as before. I will try to post them all as close to real time as possible but if I am on the road trading from my Smart Phone then I will have to wait until that evening for posting. Anyhow, here was a trade for today:

Investment Return / Protection For Naked Puts

Ticker: PFE
Expiratoin: 2/19/10
Invest Date 12/30/09

Current Stock Price $18.43
Strike Price $18.00
Premium $0.63
Annual Dividend $0.72

Days to Expiration 51
Return (Assumes CSP) 3.50%
Annualized Return 25.05%
Downside Protection 5.75%
Effective Dividend if Put 4.15%

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,

    Welcome back to the justcoveredcalls group.
    1. I calculate that your downside breakeven price point (exluding commissions) as $17.37 ($18.00-$.63). Below $18.00 at expiration you would have to purchase the stock at $18.00 -- so wouldn't your DSP be 3.5% ($.63/$18.00)?
    2. I know you realize this, but you will miss the Feb 3rd 2010 ex-div date since you sold a put instead of a covered call position. Also, the price of PFE will decline by the dividend amount of $.18 upon market open that day.
    3. It takes a considerable effort, but I hope you will consider documenting the performance results of each of your trades next year (2010) as each position is closed out. Mike A. and I both do that on our blogs and I've found it helpful in analyzing what I do right and wrong and also for fine-tuning my methods.
